Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority

Appointment of Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra in Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority. The Public consultations/ suggestions are invited in the larger interest of the residents of Faridabad. Please share your comments till 06th September 2022.


Appointment of Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra in Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority. The Public consultations/ suggestions are invited in the larger interest of the residents of Faridabad. Please share your comments till 06th September 2022.

Public Comments:

S.N. Name E-mail Opinion Date Attachments
1 Yogesh Mann yogeshmaan@gmail.com I would like to contribute being a expert in the field of water and wastewater treatment. M Tech and B Tech Executed more than 50 projects each of minimum capacity more than 50 MLD 2022-08-31
2 Ankur Bhadana ankurbhadana1677@gmail.com Respected Sir, With due respect I, Ankur Bhadana, submits that I am a resident of Faridabad and i am interested for becoming Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra to be appointed by FMDA. I, hereby, give my consent for the appointment of myself as Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra. Particulars requested are attached herewith. Thanking You. 2022-08-23
3 Ankur Bhadana ankurbhadana1677@gmail.com Respected Sir, With due respect I, Ankur Bhadana, submits that I am a resident of Faridabad and i am interested for becoming Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra to be appointed by FMDA. I, hereby, give my consent for the appointment of myself as Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra. Particulars requested are attached herewith. Thanking You. 2022-08-23
4 sunny khandelwal sunnykh.84@gmail.com Respected Sir, With due respect I, Sunny Khandelwal, submits that I am a resident of Faridabad and i am interested for becoming Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra to be appointed by FMDA. I, hereby, give my consent for the appointment of myself as Jal Mitra and Sadak Mitra. Particulars requested are attached herewith. Thanking You. 2022-08-14